Global Thinking in the 21st Century

How Understanding China Means Understanding the World

It's 2024 and the world is more divided than ever.

Divisions are mounting everywhere: between political parties domestically, and between entire countries on the global scale. The pandemic has given us a reason to blame, hate, and revile. There is a mounting tension in the air. What will come of this? That’s up to you to decide.

But I can help.

While witnessing my country seemingly being torn apart by political polarization, race hate, and systemic violence over the past three years, I realized that my perspective formed by living on the other side of the world most of the past decade has caused me to see things differently. The world, to me, is not divided into left and rightit’s multidimensional, and those most important dimension is the one WITHIN us all: the spiritual dimension.

What you can expect to gain from the course:

  1. A generalized process which you can use to test your beliefs and check for and revise any double standards or misconceptions about countries or cultures far away*
  2. A robust BS detector which you can use to avoid being exploited by movements which have a hidden political agenda
  3. A broad understanding of the large-scale shifts taking in our world today, and a better conceptual roadmap for how to navigate it 

*I will not be prescribing new beliefs, nor will I be “debunking” misinformation. I will simply be presenting a “toolkit” that be can used to make our worldview more practical and realistic, and which can then go on to inform our outlook and decision making in our lives. 

What's Inside?

  • 3+ hours of structured lecture material forming an actionable process and robust framework for global thinking
  • 2 exercises: one to help you test the consistency of your beliefs and revise them if necessary, and another to guide you in assessing global situations in order to understand them at a deeper level
  • 1 free one-on-one global mindset coaching session with me to help facilitate understanding of the principles introduced in the course, and to review exercise responses

More Reasons to Take the Course 👇

It's Okay to Not Pick a Side

It’s no secret that US politics has devolved into an all around hate-fest, with each side simply vying to assert superiority over the other, rather than acting in the interest of the country as a whole, even going up to the highest levels of government. Most of us, due to the social dynamics around us, have fallen into the trap of taking a side. But the real world does not only have two sides, and by fighting a partisan agenda we are simply distracting ourselves from the things that matter most – our personal journey towards actualization, happiness, and inner peace. In the course I will outline a clear path from one-dimensional (two-sided) thinking, to a multidimensional framework for seeing the world, which can put us back on track to living our lives to the fullest.

It's Time to Look Within

It’s time to look within. To look at our long-held beliefs decide whether they are serving us or not.

By understand the shifting global dynamics and moving with the flow of them, rather than resisting, we will be able to achieve a better state of inner-peace, and inspire a more accurate and factual understanding of the world outside our direct perception. 

Diffuse Conflict, Embody Peace

It is my belief that holding onto an outdated pereception of the world can lead to catastrophic consequences for ourselves and our families, but also for the sustained prosperity of our country as a whole.
To put it simply, if you are sick of the partisan blame game, sick of hating people from other countries, other political parties, people with different beliefs, this course will show you why and how you are on the right track, and give you a path out of the mindset of antagonism. It takes neither a political nor nationalistic stance on any side.

Defining a Framework for Global Thinking

I decided to consolidate the most important lessons I’ve learned from living on the other side of the world for nearly a decade, to help lift others out of the trap of political polarization and allow them to see the world more clearly. 
The principles laid out herein are universal and timeless: similar to those which have been outlined in various spiritual and philosophical doctrines since time immemorialbut re-contextualized for these changing times. By applying these timeless principles to the current global situation in an unprecedented wayinspired by my own experiences living abroadI intend to instill a better sense of what our role is in our country, and in the world. We can liberate ourselves of toxic beliefs and validate our inherent desire for connection, community, and happiness.

Addressing the Roots of our Discontent

Understanding the global context can serve as a forcing function for self-growth.
The guiding principle of the course is that hate, no matter towards whom, helps nobody, and least the person who holds it. Hate is a result of resistance, and resistance stems from fear. Only when we start to understand Truththe ultimate law of the universewill that fear subside. We will start to see that the Truth acts everywhere, regardless of culture, ethnicity, or political system. By understanding the global contextthe shifting in power dynamics between the two most powerful countries in the worldwe will start to confront our fears, and start to replace them with acceptance, tolerance, and understanding of the inevitable changes going on, while also leveraging this newfound understanding to take action in our own lives which will create value for ourselves and our families in the long term. 

Unlock your Potential for Success and Happiness

Resistance to the changing world can cause us to miss or refuse opportunities which could improve our lives and those of our families and loved ones. Confronting our outdated beliefs can help us do away with and mental blocks that have given rise to this resistance.
And by aligning our perceptions with the reality around us, we can latch onto opportunities that can improve our lives and unlock happiness that had been obscured by politics and egojudging and acting based on the real situation around us, rather than adhering to our ideal and impractical view of the world and closing ourselves off from reality.

My Journey of Awareness

Having lived and traveled in more than 30 countries over a ten year period from 2013 until now, mostly in Asia, a region with cultures and ways of thinking very different from my own, I had no choice but to open up my mind and accept that the world was different than what I knew or imagined prior. I learned to speak fluent Mandarin, an ancient language with a completely different way of thinking than my own. And rather than finding these cultures in conflict with my own, I realized that the more exposure I had to new concepts, languages, and cultures, the more I saw trends and patterns in the way the world works as a wholeultimately leading me to develop what I would call a cohesive worldview.

Me chatting it up with a Tibetan monk in a Starbucks in Chengdu, China, 2019.

LAQ: Likely Asked Questions

1. Why is this relevant now? 

Things are changing fast yet many of us are stuck in old ways of thinking. We need to adapt now more than ever. One of the major issues in the world today is US-China relations, and reason it’s become so severe is because of a lack of global thinking among the American population. 

The US is seeing China as more and more of a threat, and this is being misconstrued by our media and politicians as something much more serious than an economic competition. The result is a dynamic of antagonism, hate, and negativity across the pacific, which stems from fear, fear of an unknown. In some circles, war is not only a possibility, but a necessity. But this doesn’t have to be the case.  Our perceptions of China are veiled in fear and misunderstanding, and an ingrained superiority complex from being the number one economy in the world for the past hundred years. We need to tear down our ego and look at the situation from a rational perspective. This means acceptance, tolerance and understanding. Not for but for us. For the sustained prosperity of our country, and our own happiness and well-being. Cultural differences are real, but they are not insurmountable, and they are far from as scary as we think they are, if we simply take the time to look deeper. By constructing a global mindset via a cohesive worldview, we can start to act rationally, and start to get our country back on track.
Empires rise and fall. Do we want to be part of a movement that goes down with the ship, or the one building a new ship before the old one sinks? 

2. What, specifically, does the course entail?

First, we will outline the principles which make a global mindset possible, setting foundations in politics, spirituality, and philosophy. Then we will the discuss the American context, the unique situation being experienced from the point of view of someone in a country which is undergoing rapid changes in its overall standing in the world. With the foundations and context in place, we are ready to begin constructing our cohesive worldviewwhere we will analyze our existing beliefs and determine flaws that may be present, as a result of double standards or blind adherence to ideologies. Having done so, we will delve deeper and understand how we have arrived at our current flawed beliefs, explaining the Media Problem and how it shields us from understanding the world accurately or cohesively. Now, with newfound awareness of our flawed thinking, we will begin to rebuild by outlining a process for avoiding exploitation of global situationsi.e. avoiding falling for misinformation with a political agendaand a procedure for finding accurate information about world situations going on in distant regions. 
Note: I will not be prescribing new beliefs, nor will I be “debunking” misinformation, but rather I will present a “toolkit” with which we can revise our own understanding of the world to construct our own robust, cohesive, and realistic worldview which will inform our outlook and decision making in our own lives. 

3. Why don't I just travel instead?

Travel itself is an incredibly powerful tool for personal growth, especially when done alone and in places with very different languages and cultures. However, traveling is not feasible for many people due for a variety of reasons. My goal in creating this course is to distill the most powerful lessons I’ve learned over the course of my time living on the other side of the world. By taking the course, you’ll be able skip the time spent, the struggles and obstacles encountered, and the costs incurred – all of which when combined could potentially bring you to a similar level of awareness – and instead get straight to the life lessons that have been distilled and optimized specifically for that purpose, to achieve awareness of a world beyond our own perception, and therefore develop a truly global mindset without having to have personally seen all of it.
Of course, having traveled does not preclude the value of the lessons herein. One may find that, after having taken the course, certain phenomena become more visible in the real world after we have internalized them at the logical level. In other words, travel itself does not lead to these conclusions, but travel with an emphasis on personal growth, pushing oneself out of their comfort zone, and awareness of one’s inherent spiritual nature, might. 

4. What was your motivation in making this course?

In a certain way, having been brought up in a highly developed country has been a blessing. But in other ways, it has been a disadvantage, for it provides us with little incentive to understand the outside world. 
Now, with globalization happening at an exponential rate, and with a shift in power dynamics of the world’s two most powerful countries, this global understanding is becoming more and more advantageous if not absolutely critical for the average person in the United States. Our sentiment informs the direction of our country as a whole, and so if our sentiment is formed by incorrect beliefs and inaccurate information, we are susceptible to making poor decisions, at both the personal and national level. As such, in creating this course, I hope to expedite that long and arduous process of breaking down my previous worldview and supplanting it with a new, more robust and accurate one, effectively consolidating ten years of quite extraordinary life experience into a set of clearly defined tools which you can use to revise your own belief systems, and therefore make better decisions in the long run.